The clock is ticking ! We need to reach our goal of 50,000 signatures collected before May 7th, 2024.

We are on our way, over 46,000 collected total . . . Volunteer signatures are generally 20-30% MORE accurate than the paid drive. We need your help!

Email here to join the effort!

Current Totals (approximate): 42,000 paid drive, 4,100 volunteers

Total Signatures Collected

Last update 4.2.24

In order to qualify our open primaries initiative for the November 5, 2024 ballot, our campaign must collect valid signatures from just over 35,000 registered South Dakota voters and submit the petitions to the state by May 7, 2024.

We need signature drive volunteers to help us collect those signatures! There are three main ways to volunteer (see below).

If you’re interested in getting involved, please fill out the form below or contact us directly. A member of the campaign team will be in touch.

We look forward to having you on the team!

Circulate Petitions
You can sign up to circulate petitions using the form above. The campaign will be in touch with you to schedule a training

  1. You can collect signatures from friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues.

  2. You can circulate at public events (e.g. concerts, festivals, parades).

  3. You can circulate at events organized by the campaign, including at petition signing drive-thrus. We need volunteers who can check voter registrations, register new voters, and collect signatures.

Volunteer as a notary
Notaries play an important role in the process by notarizing petition sheets for circulators. So we’re looking for notaries all across the state.

If you are a notary and would be interested in helping the campaign, please sign up using the form above.

Are you interested in becoming a notary? You can find out more information about becoming a notary on the Secretary of State's website. Contact us if you have any questions. We have gone through the process of becoming notaries ourselves and are happy to help.

Transport Materials
Do you frequently make trips around the state? The campaign will need help with transporting materials such as petition sheets and eventually lawn signs.

If you are able to help the campaign by transporting materials during your trips, please contact us or fill out the form above.